Cymbal ™ is a unique, imaginative and groundbreaking range of metal components that has been designed to fit and integrate with the most popular beads on the market. The beads that are the subject of this collection are SuperDuo®, GemDuo®, Miyuki Delica, 11/0 and 8/0 round beads, Tila, Half Tila, Silky Bead® and Honeycomb Bead®. Cymbal ™ Metal Fashion Elements ™ can have one of 4 different functions: BEAD ENDINGS S, SIDE BEADS,, BEAD SUBSTITUTES a and CONNECTORS. CYMBAL components open up a world of new possibilities. Of course, CYMBAL components can also be used in projects made of beads other than those for which they are primarily intended. We wish you a lot of creativity in discovering new ways to use Cymbal prvků elements.
CYMBAL KOLYMPOS Superduo ending Golden pink
CYMBAL KOLYMPOS Superduo ending Old brass
CYMBAL KOLYMPOS Superduo ending Gold
CYMBAL AGALI KITE BEADSending Ant. Silver Plate
CYMBAL TRIADES Gemduo BD ending Ant. Silver Plate
Perlovka crochet yarn Ombré Red 34382